Before you get started, please remember to film your videos in 720/1080p, NOT in 4k. This will take significantly longer for your videos to upload.



General Posture Assessment

  • Without a shirt, film 4 angles for the camera: front, left, back, right.
  • Pause in each position, then rotate to the next position until you have done a full turn.
  • Make sure we can see your whole body from head to toe.

Forward Walk & Big Toe Extension

  • Walk 5-10 yards towards the camera, staying relaxed
  • Once close to the camera, attempt to lift your big toes off the ground while keeping the rest of your toes firmly planted.

Lower Leg Screen

  • Film seated, facing the camera, and in bare feet.
  • Step 1: Place your fists between your knees, then walk your feet out as far as you can.
  • Step 2: Now walk your feet in as far as you can.
  • Step 3: Slowly rock your feet inwards and outwards as far as you can, without allowing your knees to move. Perform 2-3 reps each direction.

*Make audible where you feel the pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera

Thomas Test

  • Film facing sideways to the camera, laying on a table.
  • Scoot to the edge of the table so that your leg can hang freely off the edge.
  • Holding your left knee to your chest, allow the right leg to drop as far as it can.
  • Repeat on both sides.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

Hip Rotation Series

  • Film laying face down, facing away from the camera.
  • Bend your left knee to 90 degrees and allow the foot to fall outwards as far as it goes.
  • Next, allow the foot to fall inwards as far as it goes.
  • Make sure the hips don't move as you do this.
  • Repeat on both sides.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

Cossack Lunge

  • Film facing the camera.
  • Holding a light to moderate dumbbell, lunge to the left, allowing the opposite toes to come off the ground.
  • Sink as deep as your body will allow while keeping your chest up.
  • Repeat on both sides.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

Single Leg Stability Test

  • Film without shoes, facing the camera.
  • Part 1: hug the knee to your chest, balancing on one leg, and release the knee without allowing it to drop.
  • Part 2: single leg squat. Slide the foot back as far as you can, then lift it off the ground and hold for a 2 count.
  • Part 3: diagonal squat. Slide the opposite foot diagonally as far as possible, then lift off the ground and hold for a 2 count. Do this to both diagonals.
  • Repeat on both legs.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

Squat Assessment Series

  • Step 1: Extend your arms overhead and squat into a full-depth squat. Repeat from the side and facing the camera.
  • Step 2: Hold a 10lb plate in front of you, and squat to full depth. Repeat from the side and facing the camera.
  • Step 3: Elevate your heels on weight plates and repeat the overhead squat. Repeat from the side and facing the camera.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.


Low Back Screen

  • Film without a shirt.
  • Facing sideways, touch your toes.
  • Facing sideways, place your hands on the low back and lean back as far as you can, looking up and back.
  • Facing away from the camera, lean to the right as far as possible. Repeat on the left.
  • Facing away from the camera, slide the hand down the hamstring as far as you can. Repeat on both sides.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

Locked Lumbar Rotation Test

  • Film facing the camera, on all fours. 
  • Sit into your heels and place your left hand one the back of your head.
  • Rotate up as far as you can.
  • Now repeat, but with the hand held on the low back to take the arm out of the test.
  • Do both sides.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

Cervical Screen

  • From a front camera angle, try to touch your chin to your chest, then to try to touch each clavicle.
  • From a side angle, look up to the sky as far as possible.
  • From a front angle, rotate your head 90 degrees each direction.
  • From a front angle, try to drop your each to the same shoulder, and perform on both sides.

*Make audible any pinching, cramping, stretching, tingling, limitations, etc… you feel.  Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation.


Scapular Movement Test

  • Film from a rear view, holding 2-5 lb weights in each hand.
  • Raise the arms out to the side and go all the way overhead like a jumping jack. Do this SLOWLY and repeat 2 times.
  • Raise the arms out to the front as high overhead as you can and lower SLOWLY. Repeat 2 times.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

Back to Wall Shoulder Flexion Test

  • Film from a side view.
  • Flatten your back against the wall, tucking the ribs down and making a double chin.
  • Hold arms straight out to the side with thumbs up and raise arms as high as you can. Repeat twice.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

Shoulder Total Arc of Motion Test

  • Film from a side view.
  • Preferably have a partner assist you with this one.  If you can't find one, use the second option.
  • Reference the video for more info on this test.

*Make audible any pinching, cramping, stretching, tingling, limitations, etc… you feel.  Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation. 

Field Goal Test

  • Film in a standing position from a side camera angle.
  • Lift your arms in a field goal position to 90 degrees
  • Retract your scaps back as far as you can while keeping your forearms vertical.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

Wrist + Elbow Screen

  • Part 1: Facing the camera, flex the elbows as far as possible, then extend the elbows fully.
  • Part 2: Facing sideways now, flex and extend both wrists as far as possible. Make sure that both wrists are visible.
  • Part 3: Holding two pens, with the elbows bent to 90 degrees, turn the palms up as far as possible. Now turn the palms down as far as possible.

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.

External Rotation Strength/Endurance

  • Film in a side-lying position.
  • With the elbow flexed to 90 degrees, place a towel under the armpit.
  • Holding a 10 lb dumbbell, rotate fully up and lower the weight down slowly.
  • Perform as many reps as you can until you feel a deep burn (1 or 2 reps left in the tank)

*Make audible where you feel any pain, tightness or restriction. Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation for the camera.


Upper Extremity Tissue Screen

  • Film facing the camera.
  • Relax your throwing side lat and squeeze as hard as possible with the off-hand, exploring the length of the muscle. Rate the worst spot 1-3.
  • Relax your throwing side pec and squeeze as hard as possible with the off-hand, exploring the length of the muscle. Rate the pain of the worst spot 1-3.
  • Find your subclavius and rate the pain of the worst spot from 1-3 after palpating it with your finger.
  • Find your upper trap and squeeze it hard with the off-hand, exploring the length of the muscle. Rate the pain of the worst spot 1-3.
  • Palpate your anterior shoulder area with your fingers and rate the pain from 1-3. 
  • Use a lacrosse ball on the back side of your shoulder while laying down and rate the sensitivity from 1-3.  
  • 1 being very sensitive and 3 being not that sensitive. 
  • You must say your rating to the camera for us to be able to use this video.

Elbow Specific Tissue Screen

  • Watch the following video and check all of the points for tenderness or density.
  • You will be rating the sensitivity of your bicep, coracobrachialis, tricep, brachioradialis, and flexor pronator mass from 1-3.
  • 1 being very sensitive and 3 being not that sensitive. 

Lower Extremity Tissue Screen

  • Watch the following video and check all of the points for tenderness or density.
  • You will be rating the sensitivity of your adductors, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and TFL from 1-3. 
  • 1 being very sensitive and 3 being not that sensitive. 


Throwing Mechanics - Side View, Game

  • Please upload recent video from a game if at all possible from a Side Angle. If you don't have recent game video, a recent bullpen will work as well.
  • **If you do not have recent video, send whatever most recent video you do have. Don't be stupid and go rip balls off the mound for this assessment if your arm isn't ready.**

Throwing Mechanics - Front or Rear View, Game

  • Please upload recent video from a game if at all possible from a Front or Rear Angle. A recent bullpen will work as well.
  • Please upload at least one fastball and one of each of your offspeed pitches, if possible.
  • Don't be stupid and go rip balls off the mound for this assessment if your arm isn't ready.

Best Version of Throwing Mechanics**

  • Submit a side and front or back view of game footage (or bullpen if that's all you have) of when you were at your absolute best.
  • The “Best” Version of your mechanics is when you have felt at your best, whether that be velocity or performance wise. Please submit this even if it was 5+ years ago.

Your Current Drill/Plyo Routine (OPTIONAL)

  • If you are already doing various drills / plyos in your routine, please submit videos of you performing these drills for us to see, if possible.

Pitch Grips & Explanation (OPTIONAL)

  • Please upload a brief video showing the pitch grips for your fastball and off-speed pitches, and include a short explanation (<30 sec) of what you're thinking/feeling with each pitch.

Data Reports (OPTIONAL)

  • Please upload any recent pitch data that you may have (Trackman, Rapsodo, etc.). For pros we will be able to access much of this data ourselves, but we will still take whatever you have.



  1. We'll be checking your form with light to moderate weights on some foundational lifts.
  2. If you have never performed barbell lifts or are coming off an injury, you may either use a broomstick/no load to demonstrate the barbell movements or you can simply skip these assessments.
  3. If you have NOT been regularly using a specific lift, complete the exercise with ~50% of your 1 rep max for 3-reps. [Ex: 275-lb Back Squat Max – use 135-lbs.]

Barbell Back/Front Squat

  • Squat to full depth (parallel or slightly below).
  • Perform 2-3 reps of either back/front squat OR safety bar squat if you have one available to you.

*Make audible any pinching, cramping, stretching, tingling, limitations, etc… you feel.  Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation. 

Trap Bar Deadlift

  • Film from the side.
  • Use a light to moderate weight.
  • Perform 2 controlled reps

*Make audible any pinching, cramping, stretching, tingling, limitations, etc… you feel.  Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation. 

Barbell Romanian Deadlift

  • Film from the side.
  • Use a light to moderate weight.
  • Start the weight from the rack, then perform 2 controlled reps before re-racking the weight.

*Make audible any pinching, cramping, stretching, tingling, limitations, etc… you feel.  Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation. 

Dumbbell Bench Press

  • Film from the side.
  • Use a moderate weight that you could handle for 10-12 reps
  • Perform 3-5 repetitions with perfect form.

*Make audible any pinching, cramping, stretching, tingling, limitations, etc… you feel.  Point to where the issue is and voice the sensation.

Single Arm Cable Row (no shirt)

  • Film from behind and from the side.
  • Make sure not to wear a shirt so we can see your scaps.
  • Perform 3-5 repetitions with a moderate weight.

Yoga Push-Up (no shirt)

  • Film without a shirt.
  • Perform 3 push-ups. 
  • Show us 2 front view reps and 1 side.


Equipment required: tape measure & tape.

Vertical Jump

  • Stand next to a wall.
  • Wrap a strip of tape, sticky side out, around your middle finger.
  • Measure your standing reach by reaching as high up as you can with one arm and placing the tape at your reach.
  • Follow the instructions in the video to get your standing, paused and step-into vertical jump heights.

Broad Jump + Lateral Jump

  • Lay a tape measure on the ground
  • Broad Jump – perform 3 reps and note your best distance. Measure from the toes at the start of the jump to the back of the heels where you land.
  • Lateral Jump – perform 3 reps each side and note your best distance. Measure from the inside of the back foot and land with both feet together.
  • Reference the video for more information.


Contact us

You will typically receive a response within 48-hours. Please be detailed about exactly what you're looking for so we can best help you.


What questions you would like to ask us? We read & respond to every one.