[E-Book] Building The 95 MPH Body
By Ben Brewster

What will I learn?
How to gain weight, no matter how "bad" your genetics. Step-by-step guidelines to use immediately.
A look at what type of development is genetically possible, setting achievable goals for yourself.
Crucial body, on-field and weight-room metrics to hit and how you stack up against professional pitchers.
Understanding the interaction between strength and velocity from high school to MLB.
Key velocity principles and how to adjust your training based on individual needs.
Improve velocity using our tri-planar approach, including a list of our favorite exercises.

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: My story (from 73 to 95+ mph) 11
Chapter 2: Elite performance – what does it really take? 15
Chapter 3: Optimizing your physiology for velocity 24
Chapter 4: The importance of lean body mass 52
Chapter 5: What is genetically possible? 61
Chapter 6: The nutritional hierarchy of importance 74
Chapter 7: Additional recovery modalities 111
Chapter 8: Building an effective training program 120

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Ben Brewster
Author of Building the 95 MPH Body
A little about me
Hey I’m Ben. I help baseball players throw harder. I was once a scrawny 16 year old, struggling to hit 73 miles-per-hour. Adding 65 lbs and touching over 98 mph, I achieved a lifelong dream of playing professional baseball – one that I am still pursuing. I wrote this book for a simple reason: to share what I have learned along my journey in the hopes of helping athletes reach their goals.

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