TAP Rocket Wrap (Voodoo Floss Band)

This is a staple in our pre-throwing routines for the pitching elbow. When used correctly, the Rocket Wrap (Voodoo Floss band) can restore mobility and promote blood flow to areas commonly with low circulation, like knees, shoulders, and elbows.


Click "BUY HERE" to view more details and purchase the TAP Rocket Wrap Compression Floss.

(Clicking "BUY HERE" will redirect you to OatesSpecialties.com)


Email tori@treadathletics.com for a 5% discount code for Oates Specialties products.


The Rocket Wrap Compression Floss has a nominal 150% stretch capacity and is available in two strengths:

1. Black Standard Band (.051″ thickness)

2. Red X-Heavy Band (.06″ thickness)


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