The Pocket Radar Smart Coach is a budget-friendly radar gun that fits in your pocket, hand, or on a tripod while reading within 1 mph of other radar devices (Trackman, Stalker, etc.), which costs thousands of dollars. This is our most recommended product for our remote athletes, and you'll see dozens of these around our facility on a daily basis.


To save on a Pocket Radar Smart Coach, email 'tori@treadathletics.com' for a discount code. 


(Clicking "BUY HERE" will redirect you to Pocket Radar's website)


The Pocket Radar Smart Coach is our preferred budget-friendly radar device.

Why We Use the Pocket Radar:

  • Within 1 mph accuracy of Gold Standard Stalker Pro Radar Gun
  • A fraction of the cost of top-of-the-line systems like Trackman, Rapsodo, or Stalker
  • Velocity readout straight to an iOS app on your iPhone or iPad
  • 120-foot range
  • Attach it to a tripod for easy use when training solo
  • Light weight and portable
  • Highly durable
  • Takes rechargeable AAA batteries
  • Comes with a 2-Year Warranty


Contact us

You will typically receive a response within 48-hours. Please be detailed about exactly what you're looking for so we can best help you.


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